x. Vagina

There are no glands in the squamous epithelium of the vaginal wall. The vaginal wall consist of smooth muscle tissue and has an extensive network of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves. The nerve supply is the richest in the distal part and in the anterior wall of the vagina. During sexual arousal, there is a rapid increase in blood supply to the vagina. At the same time there seems to be venous drainage decreases. This results in vasocongestion and swelling. The consistency of the vagina becomes firmer, it becomes longer and wider, and the pressure in the lumen decreases.
 At the same time, sexual arousal induces, within a few seconds, a neurogenic transudate. Partly due to the increase in pressure in the papillaries, blood plasma is expelled from the vessels and drops of fluid appear on the surface of the vagina and flow together to form a lubrication layer.